Akash academy

  1. About me – akashacademy.co
  2. The Akashic Academy by Emily Harrison
  3. About The Akashic Academy

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About me – akashacademy.co

Hello and welcome to my website! My name is Akash Gaikwad and I am the CEO of Akash Academy. I have always been passionate about education and believe that everyone deserves access to quality learning opportunities. This belief led me to establish Akash Academy, with the aim of providing exceptional education to students across a wide range of subjects. I have had the privilege of working in the education industry for several years, and during this time, I have gained valuable experience and expertise that have helped me shape the direction of the academy. As the CEO, my goal is to ensure that we provide the best possible education to our students, and that they leave us equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their chosen fields.

The Akashic Academy by Emily Harrison

" It has awakened so many spiritual gifts within me, helped to activate my psychic abilities, and receive messages from my angels. Working within the Akashic Records has also had a profound effect on my business, helping me reach multiple 5 figure months, while doing what I love and making a positive difference in the world" ~Kara Melendy "Before training with Emily, I lived a life of isolation and rarely left my house because of my sun disease. After training with Emily, I live a whole new life. I love going for walks, going to stores, and I attend festivals wearing sandals and flip flops. I discovered methods to either manage my pain from my sun disease, minimize it, or cure it! " ~Cindy Kuhlman "Emily has been a huge influence in my life as a men’s peak performance leader, father, and husband. What’s unique about Emily is she is so tapped in higher mind, while being so grounded in her heart and body. It’s rare to meet someone with Emily’s level of intuitive gift who can simultaneously stay so connected to the Earth. " ~Kai Van Bodhi "With all the uncertainty in the world I wanted to connect to my Akashic Records to make sure all the big decisions I’m making right now are in the best and highest for me. After working with Emily I have confidence, clarity, and a sense of calm. I highly recommend signing up to experience Emily and her work, it’s so powerful. " ~Jennifer Hudye

About The Akashic Academy

Instantly download quantum information Personally heal yourself of emotional and physical dis-ease Identify and remove oppressive belief systems Experience deep and transformative self-love Clear ancestral energy patterns no longer serving you or the collective Understand your life mission and open access to your highest potential Access quantum level creativity Unlock skills of higher level consciousness such as alchemy, quantum leaping, and reverse engineering all advanced technology and solutions for the betterment of humanity. Emily’s unique method used to enter the field of the Akash and to extract the highest level of information possible, is something every human can do. This precise combination of breath work, visualization, relaxation, and imaginative inquiry will unlock answers to your life’s most burning questions, conflicts, and areas of perceived block. Check out Emily's self-study, ALIGN - Learn to Read The Akashic Records, and learn how you can access super-conscious intelligence. After becoming a certified Akashic Records practitioner in 2015, Emily’s life shifted dramatically. Leaving behind a career in Hollywood, Emily created a healing business that includes teaching, speaking, and mentoring others to master their personal energy, activate profound intuition to heal their bodies, and unlock access to Infinite Intelligence to usher in templates for the New Earth. Emily works with Visionaries, Thought Leaders, and Difference Makers who are ready to challen...