Lucknow to azamgarh distance

  1. Distance from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh to Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh
  2. Lucknow (LKO) to Azamgarh (AMH) Trains: Tickets, Fare and Availability
  3. Lucknow to Azamgarh Bus Booking Online: Tickets, Fare & Timings
  4. Lucknow To Azamgarh Trains, Time Table, Distance Between & Travel Time

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Distance from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh to Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh

0 day 1 h 0 m 0 sec. Note: The straight line distance between Lucknow and Azamgarh is calculated using mathematical formulas [ Compare Petrol Cost of Traveling 240 km by Car Fuel Consumption Distance Petrol Cost 5 km/l 240 km ₹ 10 km/l 240 km ₹ 15 km/l 240 km ₹ 20 km/l 240 km ₹ 25 km/l 240 km ₹ 30 km/l 240 km ₹ Note: Petrol price used in the calculation is 104.0 Rupees ( ₹) per liter. Also remember that the higher the km/l rating, the lower the fuel consumption. The driving distance from Lucknow to Azamgarh should be longer than the straight-line distance of 240 km.

Lucknow (LKO) to Azamgarh (AMH) Trains: Tickets, Fare and Availability

Lucknow and Azamgarh are approximately 289 kilometers away from one another. The first train from Lucknow to Azamgarh leaves at 01:10 hrs from Lucknow. The fastest train from Lucknow to Azamgarh is the AMRITSAR - JAYNAGAR Saryu Yamuna Express which covers a distance of 289 kilometres in approximately 6 Hours 5 Minutes. RailYatri provides train travellers an easy online train ticket booking platform with a large number of IRCTC trains to choose from across the country. You can choose from a large number of Lucknow to Azamgarh trains available Lucknow to Azamgarh train route Trains are the preferred mode of travel for over a thousand commuters on the Lucknow to Azamgarh train route, one of the most popular destinations in India. Everyday, many travellers travel on the Lucknow to Azamgarh railway route, and as many as 5 IRCTC trains run between the two stations, i.e., Lucknow to Azamgarh. Lucknow to Azamgarh are approximately 289 Kilometres apart from one another. Lucknow to Azamgarh Train Ticket Price The Lucknow to Azamgarh train ticket fare depends on various factors, such as preferred seat, routes selected, and date of journey. At RailYatri, the Lucknow to Azamgarh train ticket price is affordable for all train travellers. Depending on the budget, one can reserve a third AC (3A) coach, a second AC (2A) coach, as well as the first AC (1A) coach on a train from Lucknow to Azamgarh Lucknow to Azamgarh train time The Lucknow to Azamgarh train takes between 6 Hours 5 Minutes t...

Lucknow to Azamgarh Bus Booking Online: Tickets, Fare & Timings

The distance between Lucknow and Azamgarh is approximately 270 km. The time to travel is dependent on India’s traffic, roads, and climatic conditions. However, on average, the journey from Lucknow to Azamgarh is smoothly covered by SmartBus within 5hrs 15mins. Delhi to Lucknow bus ticket bookings can be done online nowadays and one gets to choose the seat as per his/her will. A SmartBus fare between Lucknow and Azamgarh starts at 799 rupees. So, if you need to safely travel but can't find train tickets from Lucknow to Azamgarh, don't panic! Simply go to and select your preferred bus schedule. Book Lucknow to Azamgarh Bus Service Many IntrCity buses daily run from Lucknow to Azamgarh bus route. Lucknow to Azamgarh buses are available in many options such as Non AC seater, AC seater, Non AC, Volvo AC sleeper. Buses from Lucknow to Azamgarh can be easily booked online on RailYatri. Travellers can catch buses from Lucknow to Azamgarh from Naharaiya Chouraha - IntrCity Lounge too. Another popular bus station is Neharia Circle to bypass. Lucknow to Azamgarh distance by bus is 270 Kms by Volvo bus and can be easily covered in 5hrs 15mins. One of RailYatri popular bus operators i.e IntrCity is the most preferred bus service provider on the route Lucknow to Azamgarh. AC sleeper Volvo buses from Lucknow to Azamgarh are a comfortable, reliable and safest option for bus travel. More than 41 buses operate on Lucknow to Azamgarh bus route! The well-built highway from Luckno...

Lucknow To Azamgarh Trains, Time Table, Distance Between & Travel Time

Lucknow To Azamgarh Trains 1 ADI DBG SABARMATI EXP Tue Fri Sun 01:10 Lucknow 08:05 Azamgarh 06h 55m 289 Km 41.8 km/hr 2 GARIB NAWAZ EXPRESS Tue Wed Fri 05:35 Lucknow 11:15 Azamgarh 05h 40m 289 Km 51 km/hr 3 SARYUYAMUNA EXP Tue Thu Sun 06:20 Lucknow 12:25 Azamgarh 06h 05m 290 Km 47.7 km/hr 4 ST MFP EXPRESS Sat 13:40 Lucknow 21:45 Azamgarh 08h 05m 289 Km 35.8 km/hr 5 ANVR MAU EXP Mon Fri 21:05 Lucknow 04:10 Azamgarh 07h 05m 289 Km 40.8 km/hr 6 KAIFIAT EXP Daily 03:55 Aishbagh 10:55 Azamgarh 07h 00m 294 Km 42 km/hr 7 FBD CPR EXP SPECIAL Daily 19:40 Aishbagh 03:30 Azamgarh 07h 50m 294 Km 37.5 km/hr According to the rail network of Indian Railways, the distance between Lucknow and Azamgarh is 289 kilometres. And as listed in the above table, there are 7 direct trains between Lucknow and Azamgarh. Travelling by train makes our journey safe and convenient. Generally, Lucknow Azamgarh trains complete this journey in 06 hours and 55 minutes. Lucknow Azamgarh Superfast Trains Travel time from Lucknow to Azamgarh is generally 06 hours and 55 minutes. Travel time for different trains are listed below. Train Number Time 19165 06 hours and 55 minutes 15716 05 hours and 40 minutes 14650 06 hours and 05 minutes 19053 08 hours and 05 minutes 15026 07 hours and 05 minutes 12226 07 hours and 00 minutes 15084 07 hours and 50 minutes Lucknow Azamgarh Trains FAQs