Pandharpur to gondavale distance

  1. ..............................गोंदवलेकर महाराज.................
  2. Driving Directions from Pandharpur to Gondavale Bk., Connected by Piliv
  3. Distance between Pandharpur and Gondavale Dist Satara
  4. Distance between Pandharpur and Gondavale
  5. 84.4 Km Distance from Pandharpur to Gondavale Bk., Connected by Piliv
  6. INR3.28 Total Cost of Fuel from Pandharpur to Gondavale Bk., Connected by Piliv

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..............................गोंदवलेकर महाराज.................

The nearest International airport is at Bombay,and the nearest National airport is at Pune. The distance from Bombay to Gondavale by road,via Pune,is approximately 340 km,Pune being about 160 km away from Gondavale. There are a number of daily bus services operated by the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation from Pune to Gondavale or beyond. The journey takes about 4 hours and 30 minutes. It is possible to make a one day return journey from Pune. Bus services are also available from Bombay,Sangli,Solapur,Pandharpur,Karad,Thane,Satara etc. There is no rail connection direct to Gondavale,The nearest railway station is Koregaon on Pune-Miraj line,which is 47 km away from Gondavale.. The Samadhi Mandir of Shri Maharaj,the place where he was cremated,is about 200 meters from the bus stand of Gondavale. The sacred Samadhi is in the basement,and on the floor above it,the idol of Shri Gopalkrishna is installed,symbolising that the place was originally a stable of cows. Shri Maharaj was very much devoted to cows and had expressed his wish to rest there. In this campus surrounding the Samadhi Mandir,are the temple of Shri Aaisaheb,the second consort of Shri Maharaj,meditation halls,stable of cows,kitchen hall,book-shop,etc.

Driving Directions from Pandharpur to Gondavale Bk., Connected by Piliv

• Distance Calculator» Need the distances between two places? • Driving Directions Finder» Need driving directions to a new place? • Road Map Finder» Need to view your trip on a map? • Travel Time Calculator» Need to calculate the time it takes to get to a city? • Coordinates Finder» Need to know the lat and long of a city? • Flight Distance Calculator» Need to know the distances between two cities by airplane? • Flight Time Calculator» Need to calculate the time it takes to get to a city by plane? • Time Zones» Need to figure out the time zone in which a city or country is located in? • Elevation Finder» Need to find the elevation of a location? • Route Elevation Calculator» Need to calculate the elevation of a route? • Fuel Cost Calculator» Need to calculate the fuel cost to a city? Your directions start from Pandharpur, Maharashtra 413304, India and end at Gondavale Bk., Maharashtra, India. Along the way, you will be stopping at Piliv, Maharashtra, India. Like the driving directions from Pandharpur to Piliv to Gondavale Bk.? Need more details on the distances between these three locations? See the chart which displays detailed Or maybe you'd like to see a more detailed driving directions map? One is available which provides satellite imagery on the Calculating the travel time to Gondavale Bk. is as important as knowing how to get there. So take a look at the Did you know that you can also calculate the time it takes to fly to Gondavale Bk.? Take a look at the While flyi...

Distance between Pandharpur and Gondavale Dist Satara

It takes 1 hours, 40 minutes to travel from Pandharpur to Gondavale Dist Satara. Approximate driving distance between Pandharpur and Gondavale Dist Satara is 84 kms or 52.2 miles or 45.4 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip. Route Map

Distance between Pandharpur and Gondavale

It takes 7 hours, 4 minutes to travel from Pandharpur to Gondavale. Approximate driving distance between Pandharpur and Gondavale is 354 kms or 220 miles or 191.1 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip. Route Map

84.4 Km Distance from Pandharpur to Gondavale Bk., Connected by Piliv

You drive from Pandharpur, Maharashtra 413304, India and trip ends at Gondavale Bk., Maharashtra, India. Along the way, you pass through Piliv, Maharashtra, India. Now that you know that the driving distances between Pandharpur and Piliv and Gondavale Bk. are 84.4 km, would you like to view a more detailed map? Well there are a few different ones that you can view which provide a bird's eye view of the terrain on the Of course travel time also has to be taken into consideration when preparing for a trip which is why you may want to view the Aside from time, the "cost" of the trip should be taken into consideration as well since it's just as important as time, and to do so you can calculate the Afterwards, you may want to start planning your road trip. Need directions? You can view turn by turn Can your vehicle make the climb to Gondavale Bk.? Check the Is it too far to drive to Gondavale Bk.? Then you may want to check the A flight to Gondavale Bk. is always going to take less time than driving. How much less? See Recent Distance Calculations for Pandharpur IN:

INR3.28 Total Cost of Fuel from Pandharpur to Gondavale Bk., Connected by Piliv

The driving distance from Pandharpur to Piliv to Gondavale Bk. plays a major role in the cost of your trip due to the amount of fuel that is being consumed. If you need to analyze the details of the distance for this trip, you may do so by viewing the Or maybe you'd like to see why certain roads were chosen for the route. You can do so by zooming in on the map and choosing different views. Take a look now by viewing the Of course, what good is it knowing the cost of the trip and seeing how to get there if you don't have exact directions? Well it is possible to get exact Did you also know that how elevated the land is can have an impact on fuel consumption and cost? Well, if areas on the way to Gondavale Bk. are highly elevated, your vehicle may have to consume more gas because the engine would need to work harder to make it up there. In some cases, certain vehicles may not even be able to climb up the land. To find out, see Travel time is of the essence when it comes to traveling which is why calculating the travel time is of the utmost importance. See the Speaking of travel time, a flight to Gondavale Bk. takes up a lot less. How much less? Cost is of course why we are here... so is it worth flying? Well this depends on how far your trip is. Planes get to where they need to go faster due to the speed and shorter distance that they travel. They travel shorter distances due to their ability to fly straight to their destination rather than having to worry about roads and obs...