
Union And Its Territory – Indian Polity Notes For UPSC Preparation. India is a Union of states and the Part I of the Indian Constitution deals with Union and its territory. Articles 1- 4 in Part I includes laws related to union of states and laws related to the establishment of the union. It also deals with laws to create, rename and alter.

Walking. It is a spontaneous immediate response to a stimulus. It responds to the information transmitted by nerves to the muscles of the legs. It is under the control of the peripheral nervous system i.e. the spinal cord. It is under the power of the central nervous system i.e. the brain. It is an involuntary action. It is a voluntary action.

Reflex Action. Reflex activity is a spontaneous act that is involuntary. Walking is voluntary. Most of the reflex movements are transmitted into the spinal cord. Reflexes are also initiated by the brain. Walking is regulated by the brain. Reflex activity can’t be regulated. Possible to alter or modify the walking.

androgen (AN-druh-jenn): a male sex hormone, such as testosterone. endocrinologist (EN-doh-krih-NOLL-uh-jist): a doctor who treats people who have hormone problems. hypogonadism (HI-po-GO-nad-iz-um): a low testosterone level or sperm count, or both.

The phase difference between current and voltage in an AC circuit is π 4 radian, If the frequency of AC is 50 Hz, then the phase difference is equivalent to the time difference:- ADVERTISEMENT Text Solution A 0.78s B 15.7s C 0.25s D 2.5s Answer The correct Answer is D Solution Δϕ 2π = Δt T ∴Δt = Δϕ f(2π) = π/4 50(2π) = 1 100 = 2.5ms Answer

May 21, 2021 Peanut butter and jelly. French fries and ketchup. Oil and parmesan cheese. You can’t have one without the other. Okay, you can, but some things just go better together. Like computer hardware and software. What is the difference between hardware and software?

ROM RAM; Storage capabilities: ROM is non-volatile, not requiring power to store data. RAM.

While not as common a term as hardware or software, firmware is everywhere—on your smartphone, your PC's motherboard, your camera, your headphones, and even your TV remote control. Firmware is just a special kind of software that serves a very narrow purpose for a piece of hardware.

Primary vs secondary memory 1. The processor reaches the primary memory in a casual fashion. Unlike primary memory, secondary memory is not immediately accessed through the CPU. The accessing of the primary memory into the CPU is done by making use of address and data limos, whereas input/ output channels are used to enter the secondary memory. 2.

Key Difference between Primary Memory and Secondary Memory. Primary memory is also called.

Detailed Solution Download Solution PDF Given: Mode - Median = 24 Formula Used: Mean – Mode = 3 (Mean – Median) Calculation: We have, Mode - Median = 24 ⇒ Mode = Median + 24 ----- (i) Now, From the formula used and equation (i) Mean – Mode = 3 (Mean – Median)

1. The Coat and the Spots The first difference in the cheetah vs leopard debate is the coat, or rather, those unique spots these beauties boast. But wait, how do you tell them apart based on their spots? They’re spots! However, don’t be fooled, because even spots have nuance.