Weather in ludhiana today and tomorrow

  1. Ludhiana Weather 14 days
  2. Moderate to heavy rainfall today and tomorrow in Ludhiana
  3. Ludhiāna

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Ludhiana Weather 14 days

• 7 Day • • • • • • • • Today June 17 98° / 79° 7 - 16 mph • Tomorrow June 18 99° / 81° 5 - 14 mph • Monday June 19 103° / 81° 6 - 12 mph • Tuesday June 20 106° / 84° 7 - 16 mph • Wednesday June 21 106° / 88° 9 - 20 mph • Thursday June 22 106° / 88° 7 - 15 mph • Friday June 23 105° / 85° 8 - 18 mph •

Moderate to heavy rainfall today and tomorrow in Ludhiana

LUDHIANA: Monsoon is set to arrive in the city on Thursday even as Kulwinder Kaur Gill, weather expert at PAU said moderate to heavy rainfall is expected in Ludhiana on Thursday and Friday and it may be recorded between 20 to 40 millimetres (mm). She added that whereas day temperatures are expected to decrease and may fall below 35 degrees Celsius during these days, night temperatures are expected to remain around normal or slightly above it during these days. Weather expert said monsoon is expected to reach Ludhiana on Thursday morning. She added that conditions are favourable for it as south westerly winds are expected to blow with a speed of 30 to 40 kilometres per hour. K K Gill said this year the rainfall during monsoon in Ludhiana, which is recorded between June end and September end, is expected to be at normal of around 600mm. Meanwhile, met department website predicts day temperature to fall to 35 degrees by Thursday and then remain at 36 degrees the next day, whereas night temperature is expected to rise to 27 degrees till Friday. Cloudy conditions and breeze blowing in the city did have impact on the maximum (day) temperature in Ludhiana which was recorded at 34.8 degrees Celsius, which is two degrees less than normal. On Tuesday the day temperature in city was recorded at 36.6 degrees Celsius, which was around normal. The minimum (night) temperature on Wednesday was recorded at 28.3 degrees Celsius, which is three degrees more than normal and 0.4 degree more th...


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